Monday, March 14, 2016

Everybody's Against Me! (And I'm Loving It, But... Shhh)

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, just pretend you don’t love being the social outcast, the one everyone’s trying to martyr. I know better. I know because I do the same thing.

I look around at the world and I oversimplify what I see. If I sense any resistance to what I’m doing in life, any opposition at all to who I’m trying to be and what I want to achieve, then you know what comes next. I make a drama out of this. I assign teams and put the majority of society on the side of the opposition. And then I stand on my little mole hill and scream across the valley at the mountains I’ve just made. You all hate me, but I will rise up and defeat you!

It’s so unfair, I cry. Look at the numbers. You’re so big. I’m so small. You’re such a bully, I whimper self-righteously, wiping my tears. But no matter. In the end, I will win, because I’m right.

Just try to convince me you’re not having fun out there. No, you feel strangely empowered when the world is against you, don’t you? But you’re wrong. In reality, there is no such thing as The World. There’s just a bunch of little groups of people like you and me, huddled together for shelter from Everybody Else, convinced that the world is against them. Well, I hate to be a killjoy, baby, but it’s not that simple.


  1. I call it: best post. (So far anyway... but this one really hits home.)

    I tip my hat.
