Tuesday, May 17, 2016

My Unplugged Life

I sometimes take for granted what an unplugged life I live, compared to many of the people I know. I grew up without television or the internet in my home - and, amazingly, I still have managed to keep both out of my house, with the exception of the internet access I do have on my smartphone. During my college years, of course, I was on the internet daily at school, but my summers became much more technology free, as I would spend many of my days at home or with friends, often enjoying the big outdoors and seldom looking down at my phone for updates from the technological world.

These days, having recently graduated from college, I find myself faced with the prospect of "eternal summer," you could say, in the sense that I am no longer required to spend the bulk of my time in front of the computers in the school library. Therefore, I find myself online much less than ever before. This may be bad news for my blogs, unfortunately... although I do have high-minded goals about writing posts on Word documents at home and then bringing them in town to upload them once a week or something like that. I am really hoping I will not completely neglect my blogging, as it's been a great creative and reflective outlet for me this past semester.

But if you hear less from me, it's probably because I am busy seeing things in "the real world." Let me encourage you to do the same this summer. It's a perfect season to live life unplugged.



  1. I'm making the effort, trust me, but it's tougher than I thought it'd be.

    1. I am also busy with outdoor activities. Planting and some gardening. I will be going to summer festivals around here.
      I will try to write on my blog once a week.

  2. I'm glad to see you guys are all making efforts and checking up! It's cool that you guys are keeping with it. I'm undecided about what's going to happen, because I don't know what I'll be doing or where I'll even be. I might be working in Rhode Island or Texas for a couple of months. I might be in a cabin in Alaska. I might travel to the Dominican for the summer to check out the summer hotel season for tourist business. I might be on a cross country road trip with some hippie friends so we can play music in Nashville and then take the road to Cali. Might even just be here, working at the coffee shop. Whatever happens, I'll try to post about my adventures and read what's going on whenever I can! I'll catch you on the flipside!
